Nutritional Information
The benefits of the olive oil are several and include the following:
-it is an important source of vitamins (A, D, K, E);
-contrary to other fats (such as butter), it helps protecting
the cardiovascular system, thanks to a high content of
monoinsaturated fats which reduce bad cholesterol (LDL)
and preserve the good one (HDL);
-it has antiageing effects, thanks to a high content of
poliphenols and of vitamin E;
-it reduces the risks of certain type of cancers and helps
regulating gastric functions.
-According to a study (put the
following hyperlink on the word “study”:(
conducted in Spain by the Catalan Institute of Oncology
and published by the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, olive oil is associated with a decreased risk of
overall mortality and with an important reduction in
mortality caused by cardiovascular desease.